Related topics: space weather

New hyperspectral imager launched to International Space Station

Following a fast-paced 16 month design and development process, NRL's Remote Sensing and Space Science Divisions and the Naval Center for Space Technology provide the first-ever high quality and real-time monitoring of space ...

Premium info for car drivers

( -- What will the weather be like over the next few hours on the A3 between Nuremberg and Würzburg in Germany? Could fog be a problem? A new system will enable automakers to offer their customers additional ...

Atlantis astronauts warily eye landing-day weather

(AP) -- Atlantis' astronauts checked their ship's flight systems and packed up Thursday in hopes of an on-time end to their triumphant Hubble Space Telescope repair mission, although the weather prospects were dismal.

Warning: Sunspot cycle beginning to rise

(AP) -- When the sun sneezes it's Earth that gets sick. It's time for the sun to move into a busier period for sunspots, and while forecasters expect a relatively mild outbreak by historical standards, one major solar storm ...

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