To save giant sequoia trees, maybe it's time to plant backups

Last month, unusually high winds knocked down 15 giant sequoias in Yosemite. If you haven't had a chance to see them in person, giant sequoias are big—like, warp-your-sense-of-scale and melt-your-brain big. Then, once you've ...

Reconstructing historical typhoons from a 142-year record

In recent years, strong TCs have been making landfalls in Japan, such as Typhoon Jebi in 2018, which severely hit the Kinki region, and Typhoon Hagibis in 2019, which severely hit eastern Japan. While Japan has suffered from ...

Improving long-term climate calculations

Climate researchers have found a simple but efficient way to improve estimations of ultimate global warming from complex climate models. The finding is relevant for the evaluation and comparison of climate models and thus ...

ATLAS project finds 12 new species of sea creatures

Researchers working with the ATLAS project have reported to the press that they have found 12 new species of sea creatures new to science. The EU funded undersea project has been ongoing for five years and has carried out ...

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