Two warmest winter months in Midwest history may have connection

This past March was the second warmest winter month ever recorded in the Midwest, with temperatures 15 degrees above average. The only other winter month that was warmer was December of 1889, during which temperatures were ...

Climate models should include ocean waves

( -- A new field study by researchers from Swinburne University of Technology suggests that the effect of wave activity on oceans should be incorporated in long term climate and weather prediction models.

Pollution teams with thunderclouds to warm atmosphere

Pollution is warming the atmosphere through summer thunderstorm clouds, according to a computational study published May 10 in Geophysical Research Letters. How much the warming effect of these clouds offsets the cooling ...

Why Europe's climate faces a stormy future

( -- Europe is likely to be hit by more violent winter storms in the future. Now a new study into the effects of climate change has found out why.

Eclipses' effect on wind revealed

Solar eclipses don't just turn the lights out; they also make the wind slow down and change direction.

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