Extreme work clothes for the Artic

Roughnecks working on oil and gas installations in the Arctic need clothes that monitor the health. Research scientists at SINTEF are developing a jacket with built-in sensors. It will monitor both body temperature and workers' ...

Mobile aerosol observing units deployed at Cape Cod

Bracing against -10 degree Celsius temperatures in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, Brookhaven atmospheric chemist Stephen Springston and his team recently completed a one-week restaging of two portable atmospheric sampling stations ...

Statistical physics offers a new way to look at climate

Scientists are using ever more complex models running on ever more powerful computers to simulate the earth's climate. But new research suggests that basic physics could offer a simpler and more meaningful way to model key ...

NASA transfers operational control of environmental satellite

The Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership (NPP) satellite, a partnership between NASA and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), was transitioned to NOAA operational organization control Feb. 22, ...

Improving flood predictions in developing nations

(Phys.org)—When deadly floodwaters devastated Pakistan in early September, Georgia Institute of Technology Professor Peter Webster and Research Associate Kristofer Shrestha weren't surprised. They had forecasted the disaster ...

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