Can models predict grid tolerance to environmental extremes?

Understanding the environmental conditions associated with stress on the electric grid has important practical considerations, but also represents a complex scientific and modeling challenge. A research team led by scientists ...

Figuring out how fast Greenland is melting

A new analysis of Greenland's past temperatures will help scientists figure out how fast the island's vast ice sheet is melting, according to a new report from University of Arizona atmospheric scientists.

Taking the surprise out of hurricane season

Prior to the 1960's, the biggest storms on Earth could take people by surprise. Someone standing on a beach in Florida might not know if a distant bank of clouds was a routine squall or … the harbinger of a powerful hurricane.

The shape of cities shapes the weather

The features that make cities unique are important to understanding how cities affect weather and disperse air pollutants, researchers highlight in a new study.

The mathematics of weather prediction

Dutifully processing 2.8 quadrillion mathematical calculations per second around the clock, these computers — each about the size of a school bus — are the nucleus of weather and climate forecasting in the United States ...

Southwest sliding into a new normal: Drier conditions

The weather patterns that typically bring moisture to the Southwest are becoming more rare, an indication that the region is sliding into the drier climate state predicted by global models, according to a new study.

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