Related topics: weather

New technique measures evaporation globally

Researchers at Columbia Engineering and Boston University have developed the first method to map evaporation globally using weather stations, which will help scientists evaluate water resource management, assess recent trends ...

Europe's next weather satellite gears up for launch

( -- Following the safe arrival of the MetOp-B weather satellite in Kazakhstan, the sophisticated craft is now being carefully assembled and tested before launch on 23 May. MetOp-B will provide essential data ...

Australia heatwave part of global trend: IPCC chief

Australia's extreme summer heatwave, which caused devastating bushfires and saw temperature forecasts go off the scale, is part of a global warming trend, the UN's climate panel chief said Tuesday.

CT Scan To Help Scientists Diagnose Role of Clouds in Climate

( -- During May and June 2009, scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Brookhaven National Laboratory, Argonne National Laboratory, and the University of Colorado at Boulder will use high-tech scanners ...

Grounded aircraft could make weather forecasts less reliable

Thanks to travel restrictions and plummeting customer demand, the number of flights in the first week of April 2020 was down 61% compared with the same period in 2019. The pandemic has emptied the skies of aircraft, but it's ...

Lake-effect snow sometimes needs mountains

University of Utah researchers ran computer simulations to show that the snow-producing "lake effect" isn't always enough to cause heavy snowfall, but that mountains or other surrounding topography sometimes are necessary ...

NWS: New tool confirmed Miss. tornado

(AP)—Officials say new technology allowed forecasters in Mississippi to quickly confirm the tornado that tore through Hattiesburg this week and alert the public.

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