New model to enhance extreme rainfall prediction

New research by an international team of climate experts shows intense, localized, heavy bursts of rainfall can be caused by a rapid rise of air through clouds and proves that these rises in air can be forecast. The team ...

Floods submerge Vietnam's dragon fruit farms

Floods submerged hundreds of hectares of dragon fruit farms in south Vietnam, residents told AFP on Thursday, with many villagers forced to seek shelter on higher ground.

Improving the accuracy of global cropland mapping

To address the needs of the agricultural monitoring community, IIASA scientists fused two of the latest high-quality, high-resolution, remotely sensed cropland products to produce an improved cropland map for early warning ...

Using AI to link heat waves to global warming

Researchers at Stanford and Colorado State University have developed a rapid, low-cost approach for studying how individual extreme weather events have been affected by global warming. Their method, detailed on Aug. 21 in ...

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