Understanding how hillslopes connect ecosystems

Hillslopes are essential landscape features. They physically tie ridges to valleys and link terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems through sediment, water, and nutrients. Understanding how hillslopes interact is critical to understanding ...

Factors in the severity of heat stroke in China

Heat waves are predicted to be more frequent, intense, and longer lasting as the climate warms. This year, for example, India, Europe, and the United States all have experienced record-breaking heat. Not only do heat-related ...

Heatwave: Why extreme weather forecasts have improved so much

The U.K. has recorded its hottest ever temperature, passing 40℃ for the first time. But you can't deny it had fair warning. The Met Office issued an amber weather warning six days before the heatwave and upgraded it to ...

Timing is everything for weed management

Farmers can tailor their efforts to control weeds more effectively by pinpointing when a particular weed will emerge, according to a new Cornell University study.

Micromobility modes could replace 1/5 of short car trips

In the United States, transportation is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions. It will require investments and innovations across many domains to achieve the White House's goals in emissions reductions, including ...

Six questions to understand the sixth warmest year on record

2021 tied with 2018 as the sixth warmest year on a record that extends back to 1880, according to NASA's annual analysis of global average temperatures. The year contributed to an unprecedented, but well-understood trend ...

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