Factors in the severity of heat stroke in China

Heat waves are predicted to be more frequent, intense, and longer lasting as the climate warms. This year, for example, India, Europe, and the United States all have experienced record-breaking heat. Not only do heat-related ...

'Complicated' day as fires rage in France

A huge fire that has devastated swathes of southwestern France was largely contained on Friday, but firefighters face another "complicated" day, local authorities said.

Heatwave: Why extreme weather forecasts have improved so much

The U.K. has recorded its hottest ever temperature, passing 40℃ for the first time. But you can't deny it had fair warning. The Met Office issued an amber weather warning six days before the heatwave and upgraded it to ...

Timing is everything for weed management

Farmers can tailor their efforts to control weeds more effectively by pinpointing when a particular weed will emerge, according to a new Cornell University study.

Africa needs better weather warning systems, urge experts

Better climate-related research and early warning systems are needed as extreme weather—from cyclones to drought—continues to inflict the African continent, said Sudanese billionaire and philanthropist Mo Ibrahim, who ...

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