Warmer winters mean more rain on the Svalbard archipelago

It's often said that the Arctic is one of the places most vulnerable to climate change. Temperatures are climbing faster there than anywhere else on the planet. Increasing winter temperatures mean increasing amounts of rain ...

Lift off for pioneering nanosats

The first 'Pioneer' mission lifted off early this morning from Sriharikota, India, with the two inventive little nanosatellites now circling the Earth, ready for action.

Better chocolate with mobile technology

Smart farming uses technology to access real-time information on crop yields and soil-mapping, fertiliser application, weather data, and intelligent assessment and so improve agricultural efficiency and crop yields. However, ...

Using aircraft as weather stations

To fly safely, aircraft need accurate updates on wind and temperature. But together, aircraft can also act as a sensor network that provides information to make weather models and predictions better, researchers at Delft ...

New weather model could increase tornado-warning times

Penn State researchers are the first to use data obtained from recent next-generation satellites in a numerical weather-prediction model used to provide guidance for tornadic thunderstorm forecasting.

NASA added up Typhoon Prapiroon's rainfall

Tropical Cyclones can generate a tremendous amount of rainfall, and NASA's IMERG program utilizes a variety of data to create rainfall maps. Those maps provide estimates of where the heaviest rainfall occurred and NASA recently ...

Clouds in three dimensions

ETH computer graphics specialists have analysed cloud formation and air flow in high resolution weather situations and visualised a high resolution weather situation in 3-D. The aviation industry and meteorologists may be ...

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