Satellite movie shows US tornado outbreak from space

NASA has just released an animation of visible and infrared satellite data from NOAA's GOES-East satellite that shows the development and movement of the weather system that spawned tornadoes affecting seven central and southern ...

The next internet revolution brings data to the market

Every day, our lives are being captured digitally in the data that is generated by our transactions, interactions and movements. And as we become more connected through the internet of things, even more data is being generated. ...

Cassini sheds light on Titan's second largest lake, Ligeia Mare

Saturn's second largest moon, Titan, is known for its dense, planet-like atmosphere and large lakes most likely made of methane and ethane. It has been suggested that Titan's atmosphere and surface is a model of early Earth. ...

Researchers find storm periodicity in southern oceans

( —A pair of researchers with the Department of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University has found that storms in the Southern Hemisphere tend to occur on a 20 to 30 day periodic basis. In their paper published ...

A remote Swiss valley models global climate

( —EPFL scientists have developed a new statistical model of extreme rainfall in the Swiss Val Ferret region, which can be used across the globe.

UC San Diego, UMD researchers to build 'WIFIRE' cyberinfrastructure

Three research organizations at the University of California, San Diego, have been awarded a multi-year National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to build an end-to-end cyberinfrastructure to perform real-time data-driven assessment, ...

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