Russia sheds light on Gagarin death mystery (Update)

Russia on Friday declassified documents that shed light on Yuri Gagarin's mysterious death in a training flight in 1968, saying his jet likely manoeuvred sharply to avoid a weather balloon.

Researchers root out the limits of social mobilization

( —A team of international researchers working together to better understand how social mobilization works, has built a model using data obtained by the DARPA Network Challenge in 2009. In their paper published ...

Google begins launching Internet-beaming balloons (Update)

Google is launching Internet-beaming antennas into the stratosphere aboard giant, jellyfish-shaped balloons with the lofty goal of getting the entire planet online. Eighteen months in the works, the top-secret project was ...

A 'cosmic weather balloon' at the center of the Milky Way

The radiation field at the centre of the Milky Way must be 1,000 times stronger than in the area surrounding our sun. Astrophysicists of the "Milky Way Galaxy" Collaborative Research Centre of Heidelberg University used computer ...

Searching for balloons in a social network

In December 2009, 10 red weather balloons were launched from locations throughout the United States. The project’s aim: testing the mettle of social media.

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