Ultrabright lasers help switch single photons

(Phys.org) —In the search for a single photon source, researchers in Australia and France have achieved a major step towards a turn-key source of individual, precisely tailored photons from an integrated optical chip.

Controlling light with light

A new approach to control light with light without the need for optical nonlinearity: Nanoparticle auto-oscillations in a subwavelength plasmonic V-groove waveguide induced by a control light can be used for the periodic ...

50 meters of optical fiber shrunk to the size of microchips

Long coils of optical waveguides any structure that can guide light, like conventional optical fiber can be used to create a time delay in the transmission of light. Such photonic delays are useful in military application ...

Scientists spin photons to send light in one direction

(Phys.org) —Researchers at King's College London have achieved previously unseen levels of control over the travelling direction of electromagnetic waves in waveguides. Their ground-breaking results could have far-reaching ...

Slowing down microwaves in a chip

EPFL scientists have succeeded in capturing a microwave pulse within a chip for several milliseconds before releasing it with little loss. This extraordinary delay normally requires hundreds of miles of electrical cable, ...

Light propagation on a chip like shopping before christmas

A team of scientists at the MESA+ Institute of Nanotechnology, the Niels Bohr Institute, and the FOM institute AMOLF have demonstrated that light becomes trapped in even state-of-the-art on-chip waveguides by the tiny amount ...

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