Engineers invent method to control light propagation in waveguides

A team of Columbia Engineering researchers, led by Applied Physics Assistant Professor Nanfang Yu, has invented a method to control light propagating in confined pathways, or waveguides, with high efficiency by using nano-antennas. ...

Photons do the twist, and scientists can now measure it

Researchers in the University of Minnesota's College of Science and Engineering have measured the twisting force, or torque, generated by light on a silicon chip. Their work holds promise for applications such as miniaturized ...

Researchers use sound to slow down, speed up, and block light

How do you make an optical fiber transmit light only one way? Researchers from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign have experimentally demonstrated, for the first time, the phenomenon of Brillouin Scattering Induced ...

Creating optical cables out of thin air

Imagine being able to instantaneously run an optical cable or fiber to any point on earth, or even into space. That's what Howard Milchberg, professor of physics and electrical and computer engineering at the University of ...

Ultrabright lasers help switch single photons

( —In the search for a single photon source, researchers in Australia and France have achieved a major step towards a turn-key source of individual, precisely tailored photons from an integrated optical chip.

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