Climate change threatens red knot population

In December, the red knot was added to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's list of endangered and threatened wildlife, making it the first bird whose listing identifies climate change as a principal threat to its survival. ...

Blue herons are nesting among the bald eagles, but why?

In February, the great blue herons of the Chesapeake Bay region will begin their nest building or repair chores and their mating rituals—perhaps in a tree they've been sharing with bald eagles.

LED replacements hit stores empty of 100W bulbs

(AP)—The first LED bulbs that are about the same size and brightness as regular 100-watt bulbs are reaching stores. They provide an alternative to compact fluorescents after the federal government banned the production ...

Curiosity's laser leaves its mark

Curiosity's head-mounted ChemCam did a little target practice on August 25, blasting millimeter-sized holes in a soil sample named "Beechey" in order to acquire spectrographic data from the resulting plasma glow. The neat ...

A safety switch prevents a big bang

German scientists developed a new method to prevent explosions due to electrical sparks. For this development and the successful technology transfer, they received this year's Technology Transfer Prize of the Chamber of Industry ...

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