Technique to recover phosphorus from urine

Phosphorus, number 15 on the periodic table, can be highly toxic and flammable and has been used in warfare as an incendiary device, yet it is also essential for life.

Sustaining roads with grape and agricultural waste

The U.S. spends $5 billion a year to repair damages to road infrastructure from winter snow and ice control operations and the use of traditional deicers. A team of researchers at WSU is developing a more sustainable solution ...

Ashes to concrete

Coal ash is the less notorious byproduct of coal-fired power plants. It's the residual solid waste that comes from burning coal. While it doesn't have the same deleterious reputation of its airborne counterparts, tens of ...

Affordable and mobile purification of dialysis water

People who suffer from end stage renal desease frequently undergo dialysis on a fixed schedule. For patients this artificial washing of the blood is a major burden. To remove toxins from the blood, large quantities of dialysis ...

EPA moves from air to water in its criticism of California

The Trump administration warned California officials Thursday that the state is "failing" to meet federal water quality standards, the latest move in the president's escalating political feud with the state's liberal leaders.

Cleaning up 'dirty' ceramic tile production

Energy efficiency in kilns and other process stages of ceramics production are quite low and pollutants are currently emitted at unsustainable levels. But as costs for fossil fuels rise and governments impose ever tighter ...

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