How we can 'bank' water underground for use later on

Groundwater has often been seen as the underground resource that never runs out. This "out of sight out of mind" attitude means wells and boreholes are indiscriminately sunk and that groundwater is abused by the public and ...

U.S. desert areas to become even more arid

Geologists from the University of Innsbruck study rainfall patterns in the distant past to better understand how deserts in the southwest United States will be impacted by future climate change.

Ecologists suggest it is time to rethink the modern lawn

A pair of urban ecologists, one from Australia, the other Sweden, suggests in a Perspective piece published in the journal Science that it might be time to rethink the idea of the modern lawn. In their paper, Maria Ignatieva ...

Poisonous and running out: Pakistan's water crisis

Barely 15 days old, Kinza whimpers at an Islamabad hospital where she is suffering from diarrhoea and a blood infection, a tiny victim among thousands afflicted by Pakistan's severely polluted and decreasing water supplies.

Road salt is bad for the environment, so why do we keep using it?

Marshes, streams and lakes lie alongside many of the roads and highways that zigzag across North America. Plants and animals inhabit these water bodies and can be exposed to many of the substances we put on those roads, including ...

Conservation work is helping to protect our precious moorland

Work to protect the iconic moorland of the Peak District and South Pennines is having a positive and statistically significant effect on the environment, research recently launched by The University of Manchester and the ...

Peatlands, already dwindling, could face further losses

Tropical peat swamp forests, which once occupied large swaths of Southeast Asia and other areas, provided a significant "sink" that helped remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. But such forests have been disappearing ...

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