Trapped sunlight cleans water

High energy costs are one drawback of making clean water from waste effluents. According to an article in the journal Biomicrofluidics, which is published by the American Institute of Physics, a new system that combines two ...

Tiny protozoa may hold key to world water safety

Right now, it looks a little like one of those plastic containers you might fill with gasoline when your car has run dry. But Scott Gallager is not headed to the nearest Mobil station. The Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution ...

Hot rocks fire up energy from the depths

( -- Scientists at Newcastle University have completed the first phase of a giant central heating system that will harness heat from deep underground.

Cheap hydrogen fuel from seawater may be a step closer

( -- A new catalyst has been developed to generate hydrogen from water cheaply, but the research was originally intended to make molecules that behaved like magnets. Hydrogen is a clean power source currently ...

Drinking water from air humidity

Cracks permeate the dried-out desert ground, the landscape bears testimony to the lack of water. But even here, where there are no lakes, rivers or groundwater, considerable quantities of water are stored in the air. In the ...

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