Drought kills Paraguay's thirsty alligators

A drought in northern Paraguay has driven thousands of thirsty alligators to crowd around lakes and wells, scaring off cattle from the dwindling water sources, environmentalists and locals say.

Opinion: India's water crises demand more than grand projects

India is facing one of its most serious droughts in recent memory – official estimates suggest that at least 330m people are likely to be affected by acute shortages of water. As the subcontinent awaits the imminent arrival ...

Biologist: Rabbits and skunks can pass bird flu to ducks

A government wildlife researcher has found that rabbits and skunks can become infected with the bird flu virus and shed it enough to infect ducks—offering scientists one more clue about how bird flu may move in the environment ...

New state of water molecule discovered

Neutron scattering and computational modeling have revealed unique and unexpected behavior of water molecules under extreme confinement that is unmatched by any known gas, liquid or solid states.

Climate change redistributes global water resources

Rising temperatures worldwide are changing not only weather systems, but—just as importantly—the distribution of water around the globe, according to a study published today (March 14, 2016) in the journal, Scientific ...

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