Toxic chromium found in Chicago's drinking water

Chicago's first round of testing for a toxic metal called hexavalent chromium found that levels in local drinking water are more than 11 times higher than a health standard California adopted last month.

State sets goal for limiting drinking water pollutant

The California Environmental Protection Agency has issued the nation's first public health goal for hexavalent chromium, the cancer-causing heavy metal made infamous after activist Erin Brockovich sued in 1993 over contaminated ...

Drug disposal can be tricky

Getting rid of a television, a gallon of kerosene or a set of tires in an environmentally friendly way can be done with relative ease in most states.

Wallowing in mud is more than just temperature control

( -- While it is well accepted knowledge that pigs wallow in mud in order to regulate body temperature and keep cool, a new study published in Applied Animal Behavior Science shows that the wallowing behavior ...

Managing California's water: From conflict to reconciliation

The rapid decline of salmon and the steady increase in the number of endangered fish species show that a new approach is needed to manage California's aquatic ecosystems, according to the book "Managing California's Water: ...

Feds deploy more radiation monitors in western US

(AP) -- Federal environmental regulators say they are adding more radiation monitors in the western United States and Pacific territories as concerns rise over exposure from damaged nuclear plants in Japan.

Producing clean water in an emergency

Disasters such as floods, tsunamis, and earthquakes often result in the spread of diseases like gastroenteritis, giardiasis and even cholera because of an immediate shortage of clean drinking water. Now, chemistry researchers ...

'Harmless' microbes may be water risk

( -- Relatively harmless microbes which pass through water treatment systems could be allowing dangerous bacteria, such as Legionella, to reproduce in drinking water supplies, researchers have warned following ...

US to regulate rocket fuel chemical in water

The US government said Wednesday it plans to limit the amount of perchlorate, a chemical found in rocket fuel, explosives and bleach, that is present in the drinking water of millions of Americans.

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