How machine learning can help regulators

How to locate potentially polluting animal farms has long been a problem for environmental regulators. Now, Stanford scholars show how a map-reading algorithm could help regulators identify facilities more efficiently than ...

EPA outlines plan for dealing with toxic chemicals in water

Under strong pressure from Congress, the Environmental Protection Agency said Thursday that it will move ahead this year with a process that could lead to setting a safety threshold for a group of highly toxic chemicals in ...

EPA decision soon on chemical compounds tied to health risks

The chemical compounds are all around you. They're on many fabrics, rugs and carpets, cooking pots and pans, outdoor gear, shampoo, shaving cream, makeup and even dental floss. Increasing numbers of states have found them ...

New method assesses lead hazard in soil

As Milwaukee, Flint, Michigan and other cities grapple with the toxic impact of lead water pipes, another lead-contamination hazard lurks in soil.

Olive oil and fungus protect wood from wood rot

Elke van Nieuwenhuijzen will be receiving her doctorate next Wednesday, 7 November, at Eindhoven University of Technology for her study of black fungus on oiled wood that behaves like a 'biofinish.' This layer colors the ...

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