Lawsuits against EPA target nutrients in US waters

(AP) -- Environmental groups are suing the Environmental Protection Agency to force the federal government to curb an overdose of nutrients from farms and cities that end up in the nation's rivers, lakes and coastal waters. ...

Pa. woman: Chemicals in my water in drilling area

(AP) -- A woman says state environmental officials refused to do follow-up tests after their lab reported her drinking water contained chemicals, but it's unclear where the pollutants came from.

EPA theorizes fracking-pollution link

(AP) -- The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced Thursday for the first time that fracking - a controversial method of improving the productivity of oil and gas wells - may be to blame for causing groundwater pollution.

Minorities pay more for water and sewer

Racial minorities pay systemically more for basic water and sewer services than white people, according to a study by Michigan State University researchers.

In wake of flooding, disinfect contaminated wells

The central and eastern parts of the state were saturated by frequent heavy rains in early August before being drenched by Hurricane Irene and then inundated by the remnants of Tropical Storm Lee. The resulting flooding could ...

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