How do you manage US oceans? Look at local successes

Policymakers are very familiar with land-use planning. But what is the best approach for planning uses of America's coastal waters and oceans? That question has gained importance since President Obama formed the National ...

River declines now causing havoc in birdlife in Australia

( -- The slow death of one of Australia's iconic wetlands is causing dramatic upheavals in its bird populations, with species from surrounding farmland moving in to replace many small woodland birds as they lose ...

Addressing antimicrobial resistance in Australian water sources

"Measuring, Managing, Mitigating: Gaining a One Health Perspective on Removing Antimicrobial Residues from Water," a white paper released today by Shawview Consulting, provides recommendations aimed at addressing the critical ...

Drought tightens its grip on Morocco

Mohamed gave up farming because of successive droughts that have hit his previously fertile but isolated village in Morocco and because he just couldn't bear it any longer.

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