Canada unveils Arctic drilling rules

Canada's energy regulator rolled out new rules on Thursday allowing for alternative ways to deal quickly with blowouts in the Arctic other than drilling relief wells.

TEPCO to open second Fukushima reactor building

Tokyo Electric Power Co. said it will open a second reactor building at the stricken Fukushima nuclear power plant to send repair crews inside for the first time since it was crippled.

Managing California's water: From conflict to reconciliation

The rapid decline of salmon and the steady increase in the number of endangered fish species show that a new approach is needed to manage California's aquatic ecosystems, according to the book "Managing California's Water: ...

How do you manage US oceans? Look at local successes

Policymakers are very familiar with land-use planning. But what is the best approach for planning uses of America's coastal waters and oceans? That question has gained importance since President Obama formed the National ...

River declines now causing havoc in birdlife in Australia

( -- The slow death of one of Australia's iconic wetlands is causing dramatic upheavals in its bird populations, with species from surrounding farmland moving in to replace many small woodland birds as they lose ...

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