A nutty idea—a little stress could be good for walnuts

When it comes to watering walnuts, most California growers believe you need to start early to keep trees healthy and productive throughout the long, hot summer. But according to striking results from a long-term experiment ...

Pumping Mississippi River water west: solution or dream?

Waves of torrential rainfall drenched California into the new year. Snowpacks in the Sierra Nevada Mountains have swelled to more than 200% their normal size, and snowfall across the rest of the Colorado River Basin is trending ...

Assessing the impact of the European Union Green Deal

A significant reduction in agricultural production in the European Union with full implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Green Deal: that is one result of the study to assess the impact of the Green ...

Water in a loop: How to combat water scarcity on remote islands

Every summer, thousands of tourists travel to Greece's idyllic islands to enjoy their sunny beaches. Even the global pandemic couldn't keep visitors away, but water scarcity might. Many Greek islands survive on water imports ...

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