Report: Water is critical for success on climate action

New research shows that water is much more important in mitigating climate change than previously believed. Better management of water is critical to tackling today's food and energy crises, both of which are exacerbated ...

Invasive gum rockrose threatens cork oaks in Portugal

What strategies and adaptive measures does the cork oak (Quercus suber) use in savanna-like ecosystems in southeastern Portugal to meet its water needs in summer and winter? And how does it perform when this tree competes ...

Thirsty cities need a human/nature infrastructure combo

In cities growing in both size and thirst across the globe, sustainability is constrained by the gray of dams and water treatment facilities. In this week's Nature Sustainability, research by Michigan State University scientists ...

Assessing the impact of the European Union Green Deal

A significant reduction in agricultural production in the European Union with full implementation of the Farm to Fork Strategy of the European Green Deal: that is one result of the study to assess the impact of the Green ...

How much energy do we need to achieve a decent life for all?

For many, an increase in living standards would require an increase in energy provision. At the same time, meeting current climate goals under the Paris Agreement would benefit from lower energy use. IIASA researchers have ...

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