Related topics: water

Managing water resources in a low-to-no-snow future

Mountain snowpacks around the world are on the decline, and if the planet continues to warm, climate models forecast that snowpacks could shrink dramatically and possibly even disappear altogether on certain mountains, including ...

Storing more water could solve Brazil's energy and food crisis

Large reservoirs in Southeastern Brazil can double river flow if the reservoirs are full, compared with empty reservoirs, according to a new study published in the journal Energy, from researchers at the International Institute ...

Flights resume, some power restored in New Orleans after Ida

Commercial flights resumed in New Orleans and power returned to parts of the business district Thursday, four days after Hurricane Ida slammed into the Gulf Coast, but electricity, drinking water and fuel remained scarce ...

NASA watches water to help grow our groceries

Every day—up to thirty times a day, in fact—one of Mark Mason's employees at Nature's Reward Farms in Monterey County, California brings him the results of a soil test for discussion.

Improving soil carbon measurements empowers African farmers

The amount of carbon in farm soils is important to farmers. Soils with high carbon contents tend to provide better yields. They also tend to have more resilience to weather-related crop failure. But measuring the amount of ...

German flood risks were clearly underestimated

To better estimate flood risks, risk maps should also consider historical data. This is recommended by researchers of CEDIM—Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ...

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