Mexico bakes under killer heat wave

Roberto de Jesus, a day laborer, stands beside the cathedral in Mexico City sweating a river as he waits for work, while homemaker Wendy Tijerina tries in vain to keep her food from spoiling.

Q&A: Illuminating physics in the kitchen

It's a place most of us have to visit daily. Sometimes eagerly. Sometimes begrudgingly. But the kitchen also can be a place of scientific discovery.

Unlocking the ocean's secret: Natural carbon capture

Scientists around the world are racing to develop new methods for combating the rising levels of carbon dioxide in our atmosphere that are driving climate change and threatening the health of our planet.

Chemists unravel reaction mechanism for clean energy catalyst

Hydrogen, the simplest element on Earth, is a clean fuel that could revolutionize the energy industry. Accessing hydrogen, however, is not a simple or clean process at all. Pure hydrogen is extremely rare in nature, and practical ...

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