Innovative online tool to drive sustainable water use

Water Footprint Network, the leading global authority on Water Footprint Assessment, is to launch the world's first online tool to calculate and map water footprints, and assess their sustainability. The Water Footprint Assessment ...

Nitrogen pollution, climate and land use

A new report quantifies for the first time how much our food choices affect pollutant nitrogen emissions, climate change and land-use across Europe.

What is the carbon footprint of a hospital bed?

Researchers from the University of Waterloo completed the first-ever assessment of a Canadian hospital to reveal its total environmental footprint and specific carbon emission hotspots.

The dirty business of making new clothes tries to clean up

Processing fabric for the latest fashions and other textile-based products today requires thousands of chemicals, some of which are toxic and cause 20 percent of the world's water pollution. To reduce its environmental footprint, ...

Fair sharing of water resources is key, says expert

To really do something about our massive overconsumption of water, we should limit the strain we put on rivers and freshwater basins. Information on the water use of our products should be transparent and clear. And in the ...

The carbon footprint of a pet fish calculated

Keeping tropical fish as pets could contribute up to 12.4% of the UK's annual average household CO2 emissions and up to 30% of the UK annual average household water usage, a new study finds.

Business to take responsibility for sustainable freshwater use

Growing freshwater scarcity owing to rising water demands and a changing climate is increasingly perceived as a major risk for the global economy. In a special issue of Nature Climate Change, devoted to this emerging global ...

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