Study finds vulnerability in pelagic ecosystems

Fish and sharks living in the open ocean are impacted more by human pressure than their seabed-dwelling counterparts, according to a new study from The University of Western Australia.

New deep-sea crustacean discovered in Bahamas

An international team of marine biologists including Oliver Shipley, Ph.D., of the School of Marine and Atmospheric Sciences (SoMAS) at Stony Brook University, have discovered a unique isopod, a form of crustacean, that has ...

Ecosystem benefits to humanity expected to decline by 9% by 2100

As climate change redistributes terrestrial ecosystems across the globe, the world's natural capital is expected to decrease, causing a 9% loss of ecosystem services by 2100. That's according to a study of natural capital ...

COP28: Countries promise action on food and farming

Countries must act swiftly following a landmark declaration on sustainable agriculture and food systems at COP28 to protect farmers and vulnerable groups from the effects of climate change, research leaders urge.

Volunteer divers guard Oman's 'unique' coral reefs

On a sailing boat anchored off Oman's pristine Daymaniyat Islands, volunteer divers pull on wetsuits, check their scuba tanks and then take turns plunging into the clear turquoise water.

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