Visualizing spin angular momentum in water waves

Water waves can be used to visualize fundamental concepts, such as spin angular momentum, that arise in relativistic field theory, RIKEN physicists have shown. This will help to provide new insights into very different wave ...

Water nanoproperties as a key factor for sanitation

Living organisms, viruses, and technological devices, have water layers between their cells or parts and can die or stop working when dehydrated. But why water and not any other fluid? What makes water unique under such conditions ...

Come on in, the water is superionic

The interiors of Uranus and Neptune each contain about 50 000 times the amount of water in Earth's oceans, and a form of water known as superionic water is believed to be stable at depths greater than about one-third of the ...

The role of hydrophobic molecules in catalytic reactions

Electrochemical processes could be used to convert CO2 into useful starting materials for industry. To optimize the processes, chemists are attempting to calculate in detail the energy costs caused by the various reaction ...

How the growth of ice depends on the fluid dynamics underneath

Researchers of the Toschi group of Eindhoven University of Technology think the water phase change problem with considering the water density anomaly is of great importance relating to common natural phenomena. Their research ...

New theory for how snowflakes grow

Scientists have discovered what drives the delicate and complex microcosm of tiny terraces, pyramids and craters found on the surface of ice. These miniature structures, hidden beneath a thin premelting layer of water, develop ...

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