Climate change 'main threat' for world heritage sites

One of the world's first cities came close to being wiped off the map during tragic floods this summer in Pakistan. Though Mohenjo Daro survived, it has become a symbol of the threat global warming poses to humanity's cultural ...

Microplastics threaten ecosystems of Dhaka rivers

Tiny plastic particles have been found in abundance in the surface water and underlying sediments of several lakes and peripheral rivers of Dhaka, according to a new study which researchers say sheds light on the environmental ...

Toxic 'forever chemicals' accumulate above the water table

PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are water-, stain-, and heat-resistant chemicals added to products like nonstick pans, nail polish, food wrappers, and firefighting foam. They have been linked to health problems, ...

What killed tons of fish in European river? Mystery deepens

Laboratory tests following a mass die-off of fish in the Oder River detected high levels of salinity but no mercury poisoning its waters, Poland's environment minister said Saturday as the mystery continued as to what killed ...

Attosecond measurement on electrons in water clusters

Virtually all vital chemical processes take place in aqueous solutions. In such processes, a decisive role is played by electrons that are exchanged between different atoms and molecules and thus, for instance, create or ...

Sudan's gold rush wreaks havoc on health

Sudanese mother Awadya Ahmed has long wondered why her youngest child Talab was born blind and unable to walk; now she suspects the piles of poisonous waste left by gold miners.

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