Crippled Japan nuclear plant hit by power cut

Engineers at Japan's crippled Fukushima nuclear plant partially succeeded Tuesday in restarting cooling systems after a power cut underlined its still-precarious state two years after a tsunami struck.

Gulf Stream intrusions feed diatom hot spots

The Gulf Stream, which has reliably channeled warm water from the tropics northward along the East Coast of North America for thousands of years, is changing. Recent research shows that it may be slowing down, and more and ...

Aerosols may affect climate more than previously thought

A key to improving climate prediction is to improve understanding of the impact of aerosol on clouds, commonly known as the aerosol-cloud-interaction, according to a new study led by Earth System Science Interdisciplinary ...

Storm killers: Earth Scan Lab tracks cold water upwellings in Gulf

Complex interactions between the ocean and overlying atmosphere cause hurricanes to form, and also have a tremendous amount of influence on the path, intensity and duration of a hurricane or tropical weather event. As researchers ...

Caring for animals at risk in bushfires

While many people have considered how to care for homes and people during bushfires, they haven't always decided on a plan of action to protect threatened domestic animals, livestock and wildlife, says the Murdoch University ...

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