Atoms with quantum memory

Order tends towards disorder. This is also true for quantum states. Measurements at the Vienna University of Technology show that in quantum mechanics this transition can be quite different from what we experience in our ...

A new anti-frost and anti-fog coating for glass

In an advance toward glass that remains clear under the harshest of conditions, scientists are reporting development of a new water-repellant coating that resists both fogging and frosting. Their research on the coating, ...

Jumping droplets help heat transfer

Many industrial plants depend on water vapor condensing on metal plates: In power plants, the resulting water is then returned to a boiler to be vaporized again; in desalination plants, it yields a supply of clean water. ...

The 500 phases of matter: Entering a new phase

(—Forget solid, liquid, and gas: there are in fact more than 500 phases of matter. In a major paper in today's issue of Science, Perimeter Faculty member Xiao-Gang Wen reveals a modern reclassification of all of ...

Self-filling water bottle takes cues from desert beetle

(—Biomimicry is the term given to using nature as an inspiration for sustainable technology ideas, and a young company has joined the biomimicry brigade with its prototype self filling water bottle, which mimics ...

Physicists crack another piece of the glass puzzle (w/ Video)

(—When it comes to physics, glass lacks transparency. No one has been able to see what's happening at the molecular level as a super-cooled liquid approaches the glass state – until now. Emory University physicists ...

Tiny airborne pollutants lead double life: study

University of British Columbia and Harvard researchers have provided visual evidence that atmospheric particles -- which are ubiquitous in the atmosphere, especially above densely populated areas -- separate into distinct ...

Scientists study how water condenses to form clouds

Researchers at the University of Bristol with collaborators from ETH-Zurich have shown that the rate of condensation of water on organic aerosol particles in the atmosphere can be very slow, taking many hours for a particle ...

Understanding patterns of dew formation

Researchers have delved into the dynamics of vapour condensation on surfaces. Project outcomes have potential commercial applications to a variety of fields.

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