Four ways to curb light pollution, save bugs

Artificial light at night negatively impacts thousands of species: beetles, moths, wasps and other insects that have evolved to use light levels as cues for courtship, foraging and navigation.

Diving into water treatment strategies for swimming pools

With summer in full swing, many people are cooling off in swimming pools. However, some of the substances that are made when chlorine in the water reacts with compounds in human sweat, urine or dirt aren't so refreshing. ...

A new study reveals the Amazon is losing surface water

A new study shows that large amounts of surface freshwater are being lost every year in the Amazon. The changes are being caused by human intervention, including hydropower dams and deforestation, and climate change.

Peru fighting mining pollution with little green algae

Scientists in Peru have removed small green algae from polluted lakes and rivers in a bid to strengthen them with nutrients and oxygen before returning them to purify those water bodies from harmful mining waste.

Caffeine slows down the movement of water molecules

Contrary to the well-known stimulating effect on humans, caffeine slows down the movement of water molecules. Researchers from the NWO Institute AMOLF in Amsterdam and the ESPCI in Paris report this in a recent publication ...

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