What's up with all the crane flies in Tucson?

They've descended in droves on the Tucson area, swarming the weeds in backyards, hovering around lighted windows at night and wafting inside as soon as a door opens. Some people think they're giant mosquitoes, some believe ...

New approach to exposing illegal and informal mercury trading

The Minamata Convention (MC) aims to restrict and limit the trading of mercury, a highly toxic pollutant. While most countries involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), the biggest source of mercury pollution, ...

Ice fossils found in meteorite

A team of researchers from Japan, China and the U.K. has found evidence of ice fossils on the surface of a meteorite. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes their close-up study of the ...

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