As oceans warm, large fish struggle

Warming ocean waters could reduce the ability of fish, especially large ones, to extract the oxygen they need from their environment. Animals require oxygen to generate energy for movement, growth and reproduction. In a recent ...

New tool removes chemotherapy drugs from water systems

'What goes in, must come out' is a familiar refrain. It is especially pertinent to the challenges facing UBC researchers who are investigating methods to remove chemicals and pharmaceuticals from public water systems.

The science behind life in space on 'Away'

Do you feel like you've been locked in a small room for months on end, isolated from the people that you love? Welcome to Netflix's "Away" and the bubble of five scientists on the world's first manned mission to Mars.

Phosphorus deficit may disrupt regional food supply chains

Phosphorus is essential in agriculture to maintain higher production levels, where it is applied as a fertilizer. Some world regions are experiencing high population growth rates, which means more phosphorus will be needed ...

Improving Asian buffalo breeds with genomics

Selective breeding of water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) and cattle with the help of genomics could help increase livestock productivity, thereby improving food security, nutrition and incomes for millions of smallholder farmers ...

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