Peatlands clean up acid mine drainage

The pollution of groundwater and surface waters with sulfate and iron from acid mine drainage is a worldwide problem in post-mining landscapes. Researchers from the Humboldt University of Berlin (HU-Berlin) and the Leibniz ...

Where on Earth did the water come from?

Earth's supply of water is incredibly important for its ability to sustain life, but where did that water come from? Was it present when Earth formed or was it delivered later by meteorites or comets from outer space?

Camels' noses inspire a new humidity sensor

Camels have a renowned ability to survive on little water. They are also adept at finding something to drink in the vast desert, using noses that are exquisite moisture detectors. In a new study in ACS Nano, researchers describe ...

Mechanical forces shape the 'immortal' hydra

Hydras are tiny creatures with regenerative superpowers: they can renew their stem cells and replace damaged body parts in only a few days. Now, researchers in the Tsiairis group have found that mechanical forces turn on ...

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