Longer, hotter and more frequent heat waves in Swiss cities

Hot days followed by sweltering nights without any temperature relief in between might become a new norm towards the end of the 21st century. Researchers from the University of Zurich have analyzed the frequency, intensity ...

Keeping bacteria at bay in Hawaiian water bodies

During heavy rains, Hawaii's streams, rivers, and nearshore waters change on microscopic levels. Bacteria in these aquatic systems increase, and some of these bacteria can be harmful to human health. They can cause problems ...

A matter of concentration: Molecular mechanisms of water homeostasis

When making a soup, maintaining the correct balance of liquid and salt is key. Similarly, maintaining the balance of water and electrolytes is an important physiological process in the human body, and disruption of this process ...

New approach to exposing illegal and informal mercury trading

The Minamata Convention (MC) aims to restrict and limit the trading of mercury, a highly toxic pollutant. While most countries involved in artisanal and small-scale gold mining (ASGM), the biggest source of mercury pollution, ...

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