Aquatic ecologist studies silent killer of bald eagles

( -- Something is killing American bald eagles, and Susan Wilde is determined to find out what. An assistant professor in the University of Georgia Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, Wilde has a ...

Mystery hummingbird's species identified

A mystery that puzzled Chicago-area birders was solved when Field Museum scientists identified the unusual hummingbird living in an Oak Park, Ill., yard as a member of the rufous species rarely seen in the Midwest.

Texas wetland restoration could be model for Gulf

(AP) -- Brown pelicans, long-necked egrets, flamingo-like roseate spoonbills and squawking seagulls fly lazily around a Texas Gulf Coast island. Nearby, a toddler-aged wetland seeded with marsh grass completes the ecosystem, ...

River declines now causing havoc in birdlife in Australia

( -- The slow death of one of Australia's iconic wetlands is causing dramatic upheavals in its bird populations, with species from surrounding farmland moving in to replace many small woodland birds as they lose ...

Study sheds light on microscopic flower petal ridges

( -- Microscopic ridges contouring the surface of flower petals might play a role in flashing that come-hither look pollinating insects can't resist. Michigan State University scientists and colleagues now have ...

Warmer ocean brings fewer sardines to S.Africa

Millions of sardines have begun their annual migration down South Africa's east coast, but fewer fish are making the journey due to rising ocean temperatures, a researcher said Monday.

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