For first time, entire thermal infrared spectrum observed

The driving mechanism of the greenhouse effect, and the underpinning of modern anthropogenic warming, is the absorption, emission, and transmission of infrared radiation by atmospheric gases. The heat-trapping ability of ...

New laser could treat acne with telecom technology

( -- A laser developed at the University of Michigan is designed to melt fat without burning surrounding tissue. It could potentially be used to treat acne, researchers say.

Mapping mangrove biomass

A comparison of three techniques to detect changes in mangrove forest areas suggests one gives more reliable results than the other two, and this finding will help researchers better understand growth and loss of this important ...

Ants, termites boost wheat yields

( -- In an exciting experiment with major implications for food production under climate change, CSIRO and University of Sydney scientists have found allowing ants and termites to flourish increased a wheat crop's ...

Did GD61 eat a Planetessimal?

The primary method by which astronomers hope to study exoplanet atmospheres is by detecting their absorption spectra as they transit their parent stars. However, another way would be to detect the signal of the atmospheric ...

The water dance

Water (H2O) is a unique molecule that holds amazing properties. Scientists have a good grasp of the structure and chemistry of individual molecules of water. But understanding how large numbers of these molecules move and ...

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