Review: Smart watches show promise, but need work

If you believe the technorati, one of the next big things in consumer electronics will be smart watches. After testing a pair of prominent new smart watches in recent weeks, my quick take is this: Smart watches need a lot ...

Whale watching book questions industry sustainability

Whale and dolphin watching may not be the low-impact, sustainable industries many believe them to be according to a new evidence-based book, co-edited by Associate Professor Lars Bejder of the Murdoch University Cetacean ...

Wearable tech makers look to push boundaries

Will your clothes and accessories change how you live your daily life? Wearable devices like smart watches, glasses and activity monitors were a big topic of conversation at South By Southwest Interactive this week - specifically ...

Upstarts challenge reign of Google's Android

A small band of upstarts is chipping away at Google's mighty Android, hoping one day to overthrow the system that runs eight in 10 smartphones sold worldwide.

Smartphone giants want your body

Smartphone makers are fighting for space on your wrist and your head, lucrative real estate for a new wave of high-tech devices if only they can persuade you to wear them.

Troy Wolverton: A gift guide for tech lovers

FOR THE LIVING ROOM: If your loved ones are looking for an easy way to watch Internet content on their big-screen TVs, Google's Chromecast ($35) is an inexpensive choice. Owners use their smartphones, tablets or computers ...

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