Apple Watch lands in competitive S. Korea market

Apple's first smartwatch landed in South Korea, one of the world's most competitive markets Friday, drawing a good response from fans, but analysts cast doubt on its long-term success there, citing a tough challenge from ...

Will Pebble smartwatch be able to compete with Apple and Google?

Time's a ticking for Pebble. As the Palo Alto, Calif., smartwatch maker recently started sending the latest model of its phone-connected watches to those who helped fund its development, analysts cast doubt over its ability ...

Fitbit races higher in healthy IPO surge

Fitbit, the company known for wearable devices promoting healthy lifestyles, saw its shares surge Thursday following the biggest stock offering this year for the tech sector.

Review: The best new features coming from Apple, Google

New features promised for smartphones, tablets and watches could improve how we interact with technology. Although it's too soon to tell how well these will work in practice, here's a look at what I'm looking forward to most ...

Apple Watch native apps, OS X El Capitan announced

Apple kicked off its Worldwide Developers Conference with a focus on updates to its popular operating systems Monday, including the announcement of native apps for its new smartwatch.

Apple wants a lead role in streaming music

Apple's iTunes helped change the way music-lovers bought their favorite songs, replacing plastic discs with digital downloads. Now the maker of iPods and iPhones wants to carve out a leading role in a revolution well under ...

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