Transforming flies into degradable plastics

Imagine using insects as a source of chemicals to make plastics that can biodegrade later—with the help of that very same type of bug. That concept is closer to reality than you might expect. Researchers describe their ...

Environmental human DNA offers new opportunities for public good

In May, University of Florida scientists announced that they had unearthed high-quality, information-rich human DNA from nearly every spot they could think of. Rivers, beaches, oceans—even vacuumed up from the air.

Discarded plastic blights Honduran mangrove island

A heron chick flutters clumsily after hatching in a nest on a mangrove island littered with plastic waste in the Gulf of Fonseca, along the Pacific Coast of Central America.

Digging into the benefits of landfill mining

Research in the International Journal of Environmental Engineering reveals details of the first successful, large-scale landfill mining project in Andalusia, Spain.

Singapore races to save 'Garbage of Eden'

Visitors to the island hosting Singapore's only landfill might expect foul odors and swarms of flies, but instead they are greeted with stunning views of blue waters, lush greenery and wildlife.

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