Researchers develop a plant-based thermotherapy patch

A team of researchers at Tampere University, Finland, has developed a biodegradable, transparent, flexible and fast-acting thermotherapy patch from plant leaves. The patch is compatible with flexible electronic applications. ...

Scientists turn pineapple waste into high-value aerogels

Harvesting of pineapples, a widely grown tropical fruit, leaves behind tons of agricultural residues which are usually burned or left to rot, creating undesirable greenhouse gases and other pollutants. But a new process promises ...

Start-up develops 'living coffin'

Delft University of Technology (TU Delft, The Netherlands) student start-up Loop has developed a living coffin made from mycelium. The Living Cocoon helps the body to compost more efficiently, removes toxic substances and ...

How plastics could help build a sustainable future

The disposal of plastics is a global problem. They are nearly indestructible in natural conditions but are discarded worldwide on a large scale. The world produces around 359 million metric tons of plastics each year. Nature ...

New science behind biodegradable algae-based flip-flops

As the world's most popular shoe, flip-flops account for a troubling percentage of plastic waste that ends up in landfills, on seashores and in our oceans. Scientists at the University of California San Diego have spent years ...

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