Thailand totters towards waste crisis

A blaze at a vast rubbish dump home to six million tonnes of putrefying trash and toxic effluent has kindled fears that poor planning and lax law enforcement are tipping Thailand towards a waste crisis.

Study could help improve nuclear waste repositories

( —Here's the question faced by a team of Sandia National Laboratories researchers: How fast will iodine-129 released from spent nuclear fuel move through a deep, clay-based geological repository?

EU takes Italy back to court over illegal landfills

The European Commission said Wednesday it was hauling Italy back to court to seek a large fine after the country failed to clear up more than 250 landfills, some of them holding hazardous waste.

SRNL assesses bamboo crop

Many people who grow bamboo in their yards soon regret it, and spend the rest of their days trying to kill it off. The U.S. Department of Energy's Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL), however, is glad to have a bamboo ...

Researchers make fish feed from food waste

Two major global environmental issues are food contamination and waste disposal. Professor Wong Ming-hung, Advisor (Environmental Science), and Dr. Brian Man Yu-bon, Assistant Professor, at the Department of Science and Environmental ...

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