Can Recycling Be Bad for the Environment?

( -- By now, nearly everyone knows that it is important to recycle. It helps the environment. Even my six-year-old knows that. But what if it doesn't? While it seems pretty straightforward, in most cases, there ...

Microplastics found in Nile River's tilapia fish

The Nile is one of the world's most famous rivers. It's also Africa's most important freshwater system. About 300 million people live in the 11 countries it flows through. Many rely on its waters for agriculture and fishing ...

Licking a Tootsie Roll sensor to monitor health

Single-use diagnostic tests often aren't practical for health professionals or patients in resource-limited areas, where cost and waste disposal are big concerns. So, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces ...

What to do with food waste? Well, that depends

The expected decline in the number of landfills across the United States coupled with bans on disposing large amounts of organic waste in landfills that have been enacted in multiple states has prompted researchers at the ...

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