Climate change leads to invasive insect expansion on US West Coast

Climate change has led to warming temperatures in the Pacific Northwest, leading some insect species to expand their range into more northerly oak savannas, according to new research from Binghamton University, State University ...

A type of wasp that cannibalizes its sibling larvae

A pair of researchers at Kobe College has found that in one species of wasp, cannibalization of sibling larvae is common. In their study, published in PLOS ONE, Yui Imasaki and Tomoji Endo describe the insects and what they ...

Decoding the scent of a plant

The plant and animal kingdoms are rich in odors that function as key communication modules. Specifically, the interactions between plants and insects come with a plethora of odor exchanges. While some scents help attract ...

New information on tropical parasitoid insects revealed

The diversity and ecology of African parasitoid wasps was studied for over a year during a project run by the Biodiversity Unit of the University of Turku in Finland. Parasitoid wasps are one of the animal groups that are ...

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