Twitter may tag rule-breaking Trump tweets

Twitter said Thursday it could start tagging tweets from newsworthy figures such as US President Donald Trump that break its rules, while stopping short of deleting them.

CRISPR gene editing: Why we need Slow Science

In a newly published article in Nature, a group of prominent scientists and ethicists have called for a moratorium on clinical research using CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing.

Lawyer denies tabloid blackmailed Amazon boss Bezos

A lawyer denied Sunday allegations by Jeff Bezos that the National Enquirer tabloid had tried to extort and blackmail him, insisting that embarrassing photographs were obtained from a "reliable" source.

NY gov raps Amazon critics amid report company's rethinking

Gov. Andrew Cuomo warned Friday about what he called "political pandering" to critics of Amazon's proposed secondary headquarters amid a report that the company is reconsidering its planned New York City headquarters.

The real problem with posting about your kids online

In a recent essay published in The Washington Post, a mother explained her decision to continue writing essays and blog posts about her daughter even after the girl had protested. The woman said that while she felt bad, she ...

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