Warming climate upends Arctic mining town

Tor Selnes owes his life to a lamp. He miraculously survived a fatal avalanche that shed light on the vulnerability of Svalbard, a region warming faster than anywhere else, to human-caused climate change.

Historic snowfall chills Madrid slum to the bones

"We're not animals but dogs live better than us," sighs Lidia Arribas, who lives without electricity in a vast slum near Madrid where temperatures hit historic lows this week.

Solutions for a sustainable and safe food chain

The RESFOOD project recently presented its range of innovative solutions – from biosensing methods for bacteria detection to improved extraction techniques from food by-products – that aim to help boost efficiency and ...

Is rainwater for outdoor taps only?

The water shortages and restrictions of the 2000s encouraged many people to install rainwater tanks. Joining those ranks of tanks are the ones included in new houses and renovations to meet the requirements of the Building ...

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